We invite volunteers from our member programs to join us in our teacher training sessions on Saturday, September 9, and Sunday, September 10. The Saturday session, designed to help new teachers gain the confidence needed to succeed in the classroom, will be held in-person at Centreville UMC from 9:00 AM to noon. The Sunday afternoon session from 2:00 to 4:00 PM is an opportunity for experienced teachers to learn some new strategies they can use with their students. This online session will focus on using photos and pictures to build interest and vocabulary and enhance comprehension. Both sessions will be led by Rob Simmons, an experienced ESL teacher and teacher trainer.
Don’t miss this opportunity to build your teaching skills and meet others who share your desire to help our immigrant community! Register by sending your contact information, including the session in which you are interested and the site where you will be teaching this fall to [email protected].
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