How do I register to take English classes?
- Check the Classes and Schedules Page for our complete list of locations and the fees for each location.
- Go to the location at the day and time indicated for registration. Registration takes no more than two hours, and often takes less than an hour.
- Bring with you: your registration fee, a pencil, your mailing address, your email address, and your phone numbers. The registration fee for one semester of classes is usually no more than $40 (often less), payable in cash (no checks or credit cards).
- Be prepared to take a placement test to determine your level of English skill. You will be asked to listen, speak, read, and write in English.
- Do not worry about this test! There is no passing or failing. We use this information to place you in a beginning, intermediate, or advanced level class where you will be best served.
- If possible, please do not bring children with you to registration. We want you to be able to focus on the placement test.
We look forward to welcoming you on the first night of class!
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