Keep in touch:


Upcoming Training Opportunities for ESLIM Teachers

On Saturday, January 25, 2025, we will be offering a training for new ESL teachers which will help new volunteers to gain the skills and confidence needed to succeed in the English classroom. This in-person workshop will combine presentation, discussion, videos and demonstrations to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective ESL teacher.

The online presentation on Sunday, February 2, 2025 is for experienced teachers who want to enhance their lessons to make them more compelling and engaging. This course offers new ways to review concepts and check homework, reduce teacher talking time, and leverage Artificial Intelligence tools to produce supplemental resources and provide practice materials for learner use outside of class.

Teachers planning to attend either of these sessions can register by sending their contact information, including the name of the church where they will be volunteering, to [email protected].


Teacher Link Sessions Resume Friday, October 4

Our first Teacher Link session for this term will be on Zoom on Friday, October 4. It will start at noon and end at 1:00 PM.

Teacher Link is an opportunity for ESLIM teachers to meet, discuss classes, share resources, and learn from each other. The informal sessions will be hosted by our program administrator, and our teachers can drop in to find out what is going on in our community. You can actively participate, or just listen in. If you have found a great online resource, please come prepared to share it. If you have questions about using the curriculum guides, perhaps we can help. This is your opportunity to connect others who share your passion for helping our newest neighbors.

To request the Zoom link, simply contact us at [email protected], and tell us which church you are volunteering with. We’ll reply as soon as possible and send you a reminder the day before the session.


September Training Opportunities for ESLIM Teachers

Saturday, September 7 – training for new ESL teachers

The New ESL Teacher Training workshop will help volunteer teachers gain the skills and confidence needed to succeed in the English classroom. Designed for new teachers, this interactive workshop will teach you the fundamentals of creating good ESL lessons, how to teach English to adult learners, how to use audiovisual materials to maximize learner comprehension, and how to address common adult learner challenges. The workshop combines presentation, discussion, videos, and demonstrations to provide you with knowledge, tools, and approaches that will help you become an effective ESL teacher.

Saturday, September 14 – continuing education for experienced ESL teachers.

This refresher course is called “English Can be Fun and Games: Adding Fun to Your ESL Lessons”. The course was designed in response to a recurring question from experienced ESL teachers about how to add some fun activities to their lesson plans, with the goal of enhancing English comprehension and retention. About two-thirds of this session will consist of hands-on demonstrations of several fun ESL activities that can be adapted to all curriculum levels, which you can incorporate into your English lessons for learner practice, reviews, or assessments. New teachers are welcome.

Saturday, September 21 – training for intro-level ESL teachers

Teaching English to intro-level learners (also called beginner or literacy level) can be challenging. This course is designed for ESL teachers who teach intro-level learners and provides information, advice, and several practices that teachers can use to connect with their learners who cannot speak English. The course will demonstrate some of these practices, including opportunities for participants to take part in several of the demonstrations.

These sessions are taught by Rob Simmons, who has been a volunteer ESL teacher for over 20 years and has been training ESL teachers for over seven years. He has taught several levels of ESL curriculum, including Introduction, Level 2, and Intermediate levels. During his teacher training classes, Rob doesn’t just talk about the material, he demonstrates the concepts—and invites you to participate—so that you will understand how to incorporate the concepts into your lesson planning and classroom activities. Previous participants have appreciated how Rob’s training helped build their confidence as an English teacher.

Teachers planning to attend one or more of these 9:00 AM to noon sessions offered at several ESLIM locations should register by sending contact information, including the name of the church where they will be volunteering to [email protected]. Please specify which session(s) you  would like to attend, and you will receive an acknowledgment and additional information.

Urgent Need for Volunteers

ESL instructors and assistants are needed in various locations for the upcoming fall semester.  An educational background is not required, and training and teaching materials are provided. Your commitment of one morning or one evening a week can make a big impact on the lives of others.

Please answer the questions you will find in the “Volunteer” section of this website to be considered for an opportunity.  We will acknowledge your application when it is received, and we will try to find a location and a time that will be most convenient for you.

Teacher Link Meetings

All ESLIM teachers are invited to join us for informal online chat sessions on Sunday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:00 PM. These sessions are intended to be an opportunity to meet and interact with others who share your mission to help our students improve their English. We can exchange ideas, do some problem-solving, and offer support and encouragement to each other.

The sessions are scheduled for:
Sunday, February 25
Sunday, March 3
Sunday, March 10

To receive a Zoom link and a reminder, please send your contact information to [email protected] and indicate which session(s) you would like to attend.

Save the Date



ESLIM has scheduled our winter/spring teacher training sessions to be presented by Rob Simmons. The session for new teachers, to include those who were not able to attend in the fall, will be held at Christ Lutheran Church from 9:00AM to noon on Saturday, January 20.  Returning teachers will be invited to join us online from 2:00 to 4:00 PM on Sunday, January 21, for a class entitled “Incorporating Interactive Games and Activities into ESL Lessons”.  The training will include several examples of games and activities that can be incorporated into the lesson plan, plus advice for tailoring activities to the lesson objective and abilities of the learners.

To register for the training, teachers should send their contact information, including their name, phone number, the location where they will be teaching, and which session they wish to attend to [email protected] as soon as possible. Registrants will be acknowledged and sent relevant information prior to the training.

2023 Fall Training Dates Announced

We invite volunteers from our member programs to join us in our teacher training sessions on Saturday, September 9, and Sunday, September 10. The Saturday session, designed to help new teachers gain the confidence needed to succeed in the classroom, will be held in-person at Centreville UMC from 9:00 AM to noon. The Sunday afternoon session from 2:00 to 4:00 PM is an opportunity for experienced teachers to learn some new strategies they can use with their students. This online session will focus on using photos and pictures to build interest and vocabulary and enhance comprehension. Both sessions will be led by Rob Simmons, an experienced ESL teacher and teacher trainer.

Don’t miss this opportunity to build your teaching skills and meet others who share your desire to help our immigrant community! Register by sending your contact information, including the session in which you are interested and the site where you will be teaching this fall to [email protected].

Volunteers Urgently Needed

ESL instructors and assistants are needed in various locations for the upcoming fall semester. An educational background is not required, and training and materials are provided. Your commitment of one evening or morning a week can make a big difference in the lives of others.

Please answer the questions you will find in the “Volunteer” section of this website to be considered for an opportunity. We will acknowledge your application when it’s received, and we will try to find a location and time that will be most convenient for you.

Free Online US Citizenship Preparation Classes

Lord of Life Lutheran Church will be offering free online US citizenship test preparation classes to permanent residents who are eligible for US citizenship. It is advised that students who register for this class should have at least a high beginner level of English.

These classes will meet via Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:45 , beginning April 13, 2023, and ending May 25, 2023.

An in-person orientation will be held on Tuesday, April 11, at 7:00 PM at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 5114 Twinbrook Rd., in Fairfax.  Free textbooks will be distributed at that time, and a link to the class will be sent to registered students beginning the second week in March.  Class size is limited to twelve students.  The registration link is posted on this website and on Lord of Life’s webpage at


Volunteers Needed

Several of our locations are in urgent need of volunteers. You do not have to have a teaching background to volunteer with us; materials and free training are provided.
Please contact us at for more information.