Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church in Chantilly and Ekklesia USA have applied to join ESLIM. Our new membership team has visited both sites and met with their leadership, found their programs and facilities to be outstanding, and will enthusiastically recommend their admission to the ESLIM Board. Pending the Fall 2015 Board meeting, Pleasant Valley and Ekklesia will participate in ESLIM as associate members.
Locations, registrations, and class schedules for Pleasant Valley and Ekklesia have been added to our website.
Pleasant Valley UMC will be using their newly acquired Community Outreach Center to hold classes for their new ESL Program. The outreach center is located about 2 miles down the road from the Pleasant Valley UMC church building. The Community Outreach Center’s address is 25350 Poland Road in Chantilly. Pleasant Valley UMC will also be holding a third registration at their Fall Festival and Car Show on Saturday, September 19 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. The festival will be held at their Church building location at 43987 John Mosby Highway in Chantilly.
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