Judy White has been one of ESLIM’s most loyal and most dedicated volunteers for almost two decades now. Judy has built our program at Dulin United Methodist Church in Falls Church into one of our strongest and largest programs. In addition to her service as the coordinator of Dulin’s program for the past 18 years, Judy has worked tirelessly as a classroom teacher, member of the ESLIM Board of Directors, and mentor to countless new volunteers. Judy’s contributions have been invaluable.
Judy has let us know that she is taking a break from our program to take a well deserved rest and to spend more time with Steve, her husband. All of us at ESLIM will greatly miss Judy and her generosity in sharing her decades of experience.
Judy’s fellow teachers at Dulin will be honoring Judy in a ceremony at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, December 11, at Dulin United Methodist Church. Please join us in thanking Judy for all that she has done for ESL students over her many years of service.
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